Man was at loss of tail in the evolution process and human intelligence may be attributed to this loss. The tail was introduced in living toys as rudder like balancing, stabilizing and navigating organ. A lot of grey matter was required to be allotted for the functioning of this down to ass organ. With the burden of tail on head (read brain), the bearers were at loss of thinking.
God wanted a god fearing (read intelligent) toy so he said to hell with the tail. He called a head. O boy, the apes fell from the trees on the ground like ripe fruits leaving their withered tail stuck to the branches. Yes, we are apes in a tailless avatar.
Most of the grey matter which was once controlling the tail was freed and human hard disk had more space available to store information and process it. All the animals have enough brain bytes to perceive the sensory world around them and process and store the information for their survival. In humans this extra 2AB led to foster imaginary fears. And pursuit to deal with these fears constructed the entire human society. These fears are like imaginary tail in us. The direction of our lives and society is set by how we negotiate and navigate through using them.
The going was good until recently before the IT revolution hit us. Our five senses still held weight and ground. But now with technology deceiving and manipulating our sensory data we are like jumping jacks to digital information toying with and fooling us, which has resulted in our artificial (once imaginary) tail to grow out of proportions. We are hopping on artificial coconut trees and one day a tailless bot will fall from the coconut tree leaving the artificial human tail to shrivel upstairs.