Years of slavery turned out to be a boon for India. People of extreme diversity from North to South and East to West of the peninsula, languishing under the extreme bondage and leading a subservient existence, united in their fight against the British rule. And when these people got independence, they chose to live together under a secular federal republic of India, barring unfortunate partition of Pakistan as an Islamic state.
If you are looking for people, a whole range of variety viz. religions, languages, ethnicities, colour n races, customs, social structure etc is available in India. To keep these people of varied types and interests bound by a single constitution for 75 years is by no means a small feat. All credit goes to the early leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, JLN, Sardar Patel etc who laid the foundation of the secular and democratic republic of India. And specially, we are indebted to Baba Saheb Ambedkar for knitting the most diversity friendly constitution for the people of India. Last but not the least, kudos to the people of India for sticking together despite all their differences.
To appreciate this great day, we must understand what freedom is. For an individual, freedom means to have greater options, choices and opportunities in day to day life. How this freedom is affected by the degree of diversity in a human society could be illustrated by the following examples. On a canvas, a painting with specific designs and patterns restricts the freedom of the brush. In a rose garden a merrigold is like an alien. While in the wild all flowers irrespective of their colours, sizes or shapes are a welcome sight.
The fact Individual freedom is a direct function of human diversity can be explained by the laws of thermodynamics. As per the second law, increasing entropy (disorder) gives rise to greater molecular/atomic freedom and leads the system to equilibrium or greater stability. On the time arrow the entropy is bound to increase progressively. Now, in manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics if we extend the paradigm and replace entropy with diversity and atoms/molecules with people, we may deduce "more diverse human societies (or nations) which offer greater freedom of choices to people are more stable and peaceful."
However, life on earth is governed by irrationality. With recent call for Hindu rashtra, we have chosen to walk backward on the arrow of time which will destabilise the nation and lead to its disintegration and decay.
Wish the sensibility prevails, and India as
showcase of the human diversity.