No SOS/ no phone calls/ switching off of
data transmitter and transponder/ dive to low altitude serving dual purpose(
radar obscurity and door opening)/ path of the flight and the final destination.
From a sad disaster it all leads to a grand design.
Probably after switching off
the transponder, the pilot donned the oxygen mask and decompressed the aeroplane
and continued on course for a while to make sure all the passengers rested in
peace. Then he turned around and brought the plane to low altitude. He navigated
over Malaysia and Indonesia before setting the final course and parachuting down.
After the pilot(s) jumped to safety, the flight continued with its cargo of dead
bodies to its crash landing destination on its preplanned route toward
Antarctica deep down the Indian ocean. Never to be found out...
....sounds sick!! But then the world ain't in the pink of health
Posted on CNN on 23rd March, 2014